2022 Cecilia Jaime Gallery
2019 “The Sound of a Screen,” Galerie Zwart Huis, Knokke, Belgium
“The Medium is the Message,” Gallery 15/17, Antwerp, Belgium (duo show)
2018 “BAD,” Belgian Art & Design, represented by Freemen Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
2017 “No Truth in the Land of Dreadful Joy”, Freemen Gallery, Aardenburg, The Netherlands
2016 “Looming Through the Glitter,” Jan Dhaese Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
“BAD,” Belgian Art & Design, represented by Freemen Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
2015 “Compulsion,” Freemen Gallery, Aardenburg, The Netherlands
2014 “The Stage = The Performance,” Jan Dhaese Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
“KDP presents NV presenting SY,” Second Room, Ghent, Belgium
“Next Level,” Light Cube Art gallery, Ronse, Belgium
“Assuming Human Beings to be the Final Aim and End of the Universe Totally, Like Whatever, You Know?” Freemen Gallery, Aardenburg, The Netherlands (duo show)
2013 “Material World,” Le Coin C Gallery, Knokke, Belgium
2012 “Paintings,” Galerie Negenpuntnegen, Roeselare, Belgium
“Evanescense,” 44Gallery, Bruges, Belgium
Galerie 48 / SBK Breda; The Netherlands (duo show)
2011 “Distortion,” Cellaar Gallery , Kortrijk, Belgium
“Masterplan,” Freemen Gallery, Aardenburg, The Netherlands
2010 “Schijn,” Pins-Art Gallery, Bruges, Belgium
GROUP SHOWS (Excerpt / Selectie)
2019 “Summer Camp #5,” Cecila Jaime gallery, Ghent, Belgium
2017 Biënnale Kunstenfestival Aardenburg, The Netherlands
2015 “F I R S T – Upcoming Belgian Artists,” Bowling Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Morren Galleries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2014 Morren Galleries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (trio show)
Morren Galleries, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2013 “20 Jaar Morren Galleries,” Morren Galleries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
“God & Human,” In Between Gallery – Piazza dell’Arte, Elsene, Brussels
“P.R.E.S.T.I.G.E. II” Platea Rozier, Gent, Belgium
2012 “Max:40×30,” Cellaar Gallery, Kortrijk, Belgium (as NV)
“Inner Circle,” Freemen Gallery, Sluis, The Netherlands
Morren Galeries, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2011 “By Invitation Only,” Gallery Jan Dhaese, Gent, Belgium
“GNFR,” Monty, Antwerp, Belgium (as NV)
Morren Galeries, Utrecht, The Netherlands
“Premi Telax,” Galeria Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Spain
Galeria Homa, Barcelona, Spain
2010 “Four-Cast,” Gallery Kelman-Visser, Brussels
“A Touch of Nonchalance,” Belfort, Aalst, Belgium
2009 “Lionart 2009: Zin in Zien,” Brussels
“Orde//Chaos,” Syntra, Mechelen, Belgium
Gallery Molenaars, Breda, The Netherlands
“Mensenlief,” St-Martinuspastorij, Malle, Belgium
“Premi Telax,” Galeria Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Spain
2008 “A Flowery Band,” Gallery S&H De Buck, Gent, België
“Premi telax,” Galeria Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Spain
Galeria Homa, Barcelona, Spain
2018 “BAD,” Belgian Art & Design, Ghent, Belgium (solo show)
2017 “BAD,” Belgian Art & Design, Ghent, Belgium (solo show)
2016 “BAD,” Belgian Art & Design, Ghent, Belgium (solo show)
2014 “Realisme,” Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2013 “AAF,” Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2012 “Art Gent,” Ghent, Belgium (as NV)